“The moment Triple H ended his longtime friendship with ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ by slamming him with a Pedigree was a defining moment in WWE history,” said Chris Snyder, Vice President of Marketing at 2K. “No fan can deny the fierce competition marking the notorious battles waged between Cena and Punk. These two rivalries are firmly etched in WWE history, and 2K Showcase enables fans to take part in those memorable experiences.”
2K Showcase will tell the history of the two rivalries through documentary-style video packages of classic WWE footage, authentic WWE Superstar commentary and cinematic cut scenes. In the 33 available matches across the rivalries, players will be tasked with completing a set of bonus historical objectives that will unlock new WWE Superstars, Championship titles and alternate attire that can be used in all other WWE 2K15 game modes. With this wealth of unlockable content, players can recreate current rivalries or stage dream matchups between WWE Superstars of the past and present.
Additional 2K Showcase rivalries will be made available via downloadable content following the game’s scheduled release on October 28, 2014 in North America and October 31, 2014 internationally.